Job vacancies

Taloturva Group - Finland's best workplaces by research

Here you can find the vacancies of the Taloturva Group. We are constantly looking for qualified people for various positions.

Job vacancies in building security

If you can’t find a job opening that suits you, you can also fill in the open application below and we’ll contact you when a suitable position becomes available.

Home security

  • Turnover approx. 12m€
  • 100 employees in Finland and Sweden
  • Over 10 000 pipe and sewer renovations carried out
  • Established in 2011
  • Fully Finnish-owned family business
  • Selected as one of the best places to work in Finland in the Great Place to Work survey for three years in a row.

Apply to work for us with an open application

Enter your details on the form and apply for a job with us using the open application form, although not all fields are mandatory (only those marked with an asterisk are), it is still worth filling them in if possible, as they speed up recruitment and job placement.

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Find the best job vacancies from Taloturvalta

The Taloturva Group offers a wide range of jobs, from which you can choose the vacancies that best suit you. House Security is constantly looking for very diverse staff, such as schedulers, renovation agents and salespeople. There is a need for a wide range of skills in a company. So first, take a look at the Taloturva vacancies list. If you can’t find a job that suits you, you can send us an open application.

Why choose Taloturva vacancies?

You may be wondering why you should choose Taloturva vacancies? There are many good reasons for this! Taloturva is a serious, Finnish-owned company. It has a turnover of around EUR 12 million and employs around 100 people in both Finland and Sweden. The company has already carried out more than 10,000 pipe and sewer renovations, and surveys and customer feedback have shown that customers are satisfied with the services it provides. It is a fully Finnish-owned family business that has been ranked among the best places to work in Finland for three years in a row by the Great Place to Work survey. It’s no wonder that Taloturva’s vacancies are in high demand!

At Hausoturva, we focus on quality and believe that quality work is definitely an intermediate form of work. This is why all of Taloturva’s employees have access to professional, high-quality and modern tools for all their work. High-quality tools are a pleasure to work with, and you have every reason to be proud of your own high-quality work! If you are interested in working for a Finnish family business that focuses on quality, you should keep a close eye on Taloturva’s vacancies and apply as soon as a suitable vacancy becomes available.

Taloturva offers a Finnish service that has been awarded the Key Flag. By choosing Taloturva’s vacancies, you are also promoting Finland in your work, and you can be part of building a Finnish working life. In difficult economic times, this is worth investing in! In addition, Taloturva is a reliable Uponor KOTI partner. Each year, this honour is awarded to a partner selected by Uponor. Uponor’s selection criteria include excellent customer feedback, solid experience in the HVAC industry, an active approach to developing the Uponor KOTI service concept and a high-quality work record.

The team spirit at Taloturva is diamond tough, which is one of the excellent reasons to choose Taloturva as a place to work. In this workplace, we encourage each other and organise various training and recreational events to maintain both our skills and our strong team spirit. In addition to money, comfortable working conditions are an important criterion for choosing a job – and speaking of money, Taloturva’s salaries are also quite competitive! Your salary will also increase as your skills and experience in the house grow! Having a say in their own salary progression motivates employees to develop their skills and gain varied experience in different jobs within the company. This benefits both the employee and the company and its customers in many ways.

Taloturva aims to support its employees in their professional growth, so if you’re aiming high, Taloturva’s vacancies are for you! Taloturva organises refreshing training sessions for its employees, which support both their professional growth and the development of team spirit. Meaningful teamwork offers great opportunities to get to know your team even better and to create an atmosphere in the workplace where encouraging others is a matter of course.

The Taloturva team has spent relaxing summer days in the beautiful and cosy Villa Vuosanna in Vuosaari, Helsinki. The summer days included swimming, sauna, good food and good company. Nice moments have also been spent together at the Kaivoksela padel court, Hotel Valo and the Oulunkylä curling hall. If you want to be part of such a supportive team, you should take a close look at the vacancies at Taloturva. If you can’t find a job that’s right for you, you should approach Taloturva with an open application.

Couldn't find a job that's JUST for YOU HERE?

Wasn’t this a suitable task? Don’t worry, we also have plenty of other vacancies.

Check out our other vacancies here!

Why should you apply for a job at Taloturva?

Good working atmosphere

With home security, the flap flies and everyone is encouraged. Often, our good atmosphere is already noticed in the job interview. We have been top-ranked in Great Place to Work® surveys for three years.

Competitive pay

We offer our employees a fair wage. Earnings also grow with experience and skills.


You can work part-time or full-time, depending on your circumstances. Telecommuting is also possible, depending on the job.

Recreational activities

We organise regular retreats, where our diamond team spirit is built. Won’t you miss the next top event?

Continuous development

We give you a good orientation and a foundation for professional growth. We are constantly improving ourselves, supporting each other.

Quality tools

Quality work is an intermediate type of work. Whatever the job, you’ll have access to modern professional tools.


Want to be the first to know about new jobs?

If you want to be the first to know when we post new vacancies, please enter your email address and we’ll let you know. It’s worth joining, who knows, you could miss out on your dream job or maybe we can find a job for a friend!